Window Tint Care Instructions
DO NOT ROLL WINDOWS DOWN FOR 2 DAYS This will allow the film time to adhere to the glass. Rolling down your windows before two days can cause the film to peel, and is not covered under the warranty.
HAZE IS NORMAL For the first few days after your windows are tinted they will be cloudy, hazy, and you may see little water pockets forming in the tint. This is normal! Window film is a porous material that allows water to evaporate, so these water pockets will simply evaporate and go away by themselves as the film fully adheres to the glass. The amount of time before your new tint will be totally dry is determined by the amount of sunlight it gets. If it's cloudy and overcast outside, it will take longer, if it's hot and sunny, then the film dries very quickly. It can take 2 days to 1 month do fully dry.
CLEANING WITH AMMONIA-FREE SPRAYS After your windows are tinted, you'll need to wait a few days to clean them. (You don't want to risk pulling the tint loose before it has a chance to cure.) Then, we recommend using a microfiber cloth and any non-ammonia cleaner. Do not use blue Windex or any blue-colored cleaners because they usually have ammonia in them, which can damage the film. We recommend “Ammonia-Free Spray Away.”
SCRATCHES in the glass and/or film Older vehicles will generally have scratches that run up and down on the windows that roll down. This is caused by little pieces of sand and debris that get lodged in-between the outside gasket and the glass. The window moving up and down, creates tiny scratches that most people never even notice until they have window film installed. Installing tint behind these surface scratches makes them stand out more than before the vehicle was tinted. Unfortunately, there is nothing that can be done about them. They are simply the effects of time on the vehicle. In some cases (especially vehicles that frequent sandy, or muddy conditions) these grains of sand/dirt will become lodged between the inside gasket and the film, whcih can cause scratches. This damage is not covered under the warranty.
SEAT BELT CHIPS Care should be used when exiting the car and removing the seat belt. In some cars the seat belt will "snap" into the glass and cause little chips in the window film. This is not covered in the warranty.
DOT MATRIX ISSUES Most modern vehicles have a black ceramic dotted edge around them, as well as at the top of the rear window. Window film does not stick well to this. The dots hold the film away from the glass causing a "whitish" look, after the film has dried, you can simply take a finger and run around the edge on the inside. Most of the time this will press the air out.